August 14, 2004

Sitting with only one of four hands being used

Your species is so strange. I have been watching these contests where some of your brothers and sisters are trying to outdo each other in physical contests. I cannot understand the significance of being able to swim faster or jump higher or fly longer than your competition. Where I come from, no one cares a whit about things like that. In our world, he who has the biggest ray gun wins every time. I have yet to find one among your kind that has anything as close to what I have, so, according to the laws that dictate the outcome of things, I win in the end. Hence, my lack of zeal at zapping the crap out of every puny human that crosses the sight-line from all six of my eyes. They had a contest last evening that was highly enjoyable where puny humans were competing against beasts of other sorts. As you continue your games here and there, I am still pleased there are so many who have lined up to assist me in getting my daily amount of zapping completed. Although I am not in a big hurry to finish, I still have a job to do.

Posted by Zongo the Ruthless at August 14, 2004 01:48 PM
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